~Back to blogging once again~

Well i'm back blogging once again cause things that is happening to me and my everyday. well its been quite long that i haven blog and still as usual nothing to say.... Its been a rough year for me this year. Going through things i don't want and hurting me each time after it passes. Sometimes you just feel like killing yourself and and forget about everything and go to wherever you belong. Like the song Broken Strings by James Morrison. That song could really tell you wad mood i'm in.
To my frens who always support me i would like to thank you for really helping me going through this. My heart just aches badly how wonderful if you could just hit it 3 times and it will stop pumping aint that great. Life is not that interesting after all. well this is my first post for this month so i guess nothing much to say.


Sunday, August 2, 2009


Jono Song